Paris is the capital of France. Located on the Sandy River. Area north of France. The heart of the state of Israel - de - France. (Île-de-France or Région parisienne (RP)) in Paris has a population of approximately 2,167,994 people urban Paris (Unité urbaine), which extend over an area of jurisdiction in the city. A population of more than 9.93 million people (2547 BC) while the Paris metropolitan area. (Agglomération parisienne) has a population of nearly 12 million people and is one of the areas with the highest population of one in Europe .
Settlement of more than 2 thousand years now, Paris is one of the central economic and cultural edge of one of the world. With the influence of political education, entertainment, media, fashion, science and art. Make Paris one of the most important city in the world the state of Israel - de - France is the economic center of France. With the amount of over 500.8 million euro (628.9 billion U.S. dollars) more than a quarter of gross domestic product (GDP) of France in the year 2548 Paris is also the company's office. 36 giant companies from giant companies from the survey of 500 Fortune Global 500 (Fortune Global 500) also The only major business district, one of Europe de la France bubble is also. the exhibiting different. Including the United Nations, etc..
Paris is Sporting the famous one in the world. The foreign tourists more than 30 million people per year Paris is one of the 4 major city of the world's three city is London, Tokyo and New York.